Join Friends of Larkspur Library today!
Your tax-deductible donation helps to purchase new materials, technology, and furnishings each year for Larkspur Library. It also funds many of the library’s wonderful literacy, outreach and enrichment programs for children, teens, and adults. Every donation makes a difference to our library, and we are grateful for any amount you are able to give.
When Larkspur resident Leon Belli passed away, his family requested that donations honoring his memory be made to the Friends of Larkspur Library. If you wish to honor the memory of a library lover, please consider directing donations to Friends of Larkspur Library.
How to Donate
• From your own PayPal account to Friends of Larkspur Library
• Through the DONATE button on our website
• Print donation form, complete it, and mail check payable to Friends of Larkspur Library:
Friends of Larkspur Library
PO Box 38
Larkspur, CA 94977
Donation Amount
____ $25
____ $50
____ $125
____ $500
____ $1000
____ $ _____

Become a Volunteer
Interested in helping Friends of Larkspur Library? To support the library, join us for activities such as staffing events like the annual Larkspur Wine Stroll, marching in the annual 4th of July Parade, or making cookies for the annual tea at Book Passage.
Please email us at
for more information.